

We stock a range of Foam in different thicknesses from 6mm to 150mm. It is suitable for a variety of applications from seat cushions and pillows to mattresses and couches.

Foam is a good way to get that full padding on a chair that you need so it is perfect for seat cushions. Foam as opposed to sponge is a firmer material. It is thick and firm yet soft enough to sit comfortably on. You can also cover it neatly with a cover material of your choice to complete the seat cushions. For the back of a chair, the foam offers a soft and comfortable pillow as the back rest.

For mattresses foam is one of the ideal forms of material because it is sturdy yet soft so it offers a good degree of support. It allows a person to lay comfortably on the mattress and it also makes the mattress light enough to move around. In addition, it is great for mattresses that get moved a lot like for camping purposes, holidays or guest sleepovers.

It is the perfect way to get that firm cushioning in couches. The cushioning that allows people to sit on the couch a lot yet it does not lose its shape due to the repeated us. Sponge is not the ideal material for couches because it can lose its shape. It is better to get foam to ensure that the couch you make is one of quality.

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